About LP Corvette

This site and concept was conceived on March 19th, 2023. 

The idea is to have a registry of all 2003 50th Anniversary Corvette Gibson Custom Shop Gibson Les Paul LP Corvette's - there were only 50 ever made for production and one Prototype.

I personally have VIN E03N023.

The goal of this site is to have photo documentation of all 51, plus facts and figures.

The goal has been expanded to include all 1995-1997 1960 Corvette Les Paul and 1963 Corvette SG models as well - being as I have never seen one of either one in person - would love to!

Let's have a photo op!

2003 50th Anniversary Corvette Gibson Les Paul LP Corvette
1960 Corvette Les Paul
1960 Corvette Les Paul
1963 Corvette SG
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